Valuation Process

Define Scope of Work
- Subject entity
- Subject assets
- Reason for valuation
- Consideration of approaches to value

Analysis Phase
- Management interviews
- Physical inspection
- Asset listing

Valuation Phase
- Due diligence
- Market research
- PPSR search
- Appraisal value

Valuation Report
- Detailed asset description
- PDF report with asset photographs
- Asset value report by ownership

Client Service & Asset Realisation
- Presentation of the report
- Asset disposal support and advice
- Site visit planning is crucial to minimise disruption to the business whilst ensuring we see the optimal amount of assets. Often involving early morning starts or night visits.
- Physical inspection of subject asset’s involves capturing relevant data including manufacturer, D.O.M, model no, serial no, material, dimensions & capacity. Our valuers provide detailed notes regarding condition & presentation which affect the subject asset’s value.
- Management reviews are a key component to determining the value of the company assets. This allows us to gain an insight of maintenance, recent purchases and Work Health & Safety issues.
- Due diligence to including reviewing documentation provided to identify non-disclosed assets or recent purchases omitted from information provided.
- Personal Property Securities Register searches to ensure all encumbrances are reported in the valuation report.
- Market research & assessment in carried out by an accredited ASA (American Society of Appraisers) valuer. Involving a thorough research process including contacting suppliers & industry experts, appropriate industry bodies, published data, appropriate advertised sales, the use of proprietary databases, & industry experience.
- Valuation report is prepared with a clear and concise summary & detailed individual asset listing with matching asset photographs.
- Client service & asset realisation services as well as determining the asset value, we can also advise on its marketability. With speed and accuracy a critical factor, O’Maras can be depended on to expedite matters as quickly as is possible.